1.17 carat proportional and excellent raw diamond octahedron

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Type of Stone: Diamond

Shape: Octahedron

Carats: 1.17

Measurements: 6.3 x 5.06 x 5.01mm

Color: D-E - bright white, near colorless

Description: A proportional and excellent raw diamond octahedron that will really wow. This type of octahedron always seems to have "diamond experts" tell us that they were cut by human hands to look like this, and we find ourselves trying to explain to them that this is the natural shape of raw diamonds and that the earth created them just so. The perfection of the windows and the proportionality of the stone really confuses gemologists who don't have a lot of experience with rough. You may, when wearing this stone, come across the same conversation with others. This beautiful piece you can be absolutely assured, was cut by the earth alone - grown just as is and taken from the earth in this clean, clear, beautiful way. It's bright and full of light, and will look like a classic rough diamond octahedron in your ring.

Source: Angola

Certifications: This stone was traded between borders completely in keeping with the Kimberley Process and is therefore conflict-free and does not finance violence by rebel groups seeking to undermine legitimate governments anywhere on earth.