Raw Diamond Design Contest | Rough Diamond Giveaway – The Raw Stone

September 24, 2012

We’ve decided to try something a little new. A growing number of jewelers are branching out into using rough diamonds in their designs. So, we'd like to encourage more jewelers to begin using rough diamonds in their designs by …

Giving one raw diamond away for free.

 Here’s how it works:

·      On Wednesday, October 3rd we are positing a photo of a raw diamond to our blog, our Facebook page, and Twitter account

·      Jewelers create a ring design for the posted raw diamond and submit to us by Monday, October 8th

·      If we receive more than 25 design submissions, then we will have a third party judge choose the most intriguing design

·      The winner receives the diamond for free

Please stay tuned for updates and reminders. Looking forward to seeing all of your design submissions!

For more information on the contest, please contact us directly at info@therawstone.com

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