1.67 carat spectacular raw diamond octahedron
Type of Stone: Diamond
Shape: Octahedron
Carats: 1.67
Measurements: 7.24 x 5.68 x 5.63mm
Color: D - brightest clearest white color
Description: The most spectacular of our raw diamonds in our collection at the moment. This raw diamond is an almost perfectly proportional octahedral shape with excellent lines and terminations. The interior is clean and clear of any inclusions, and the color is a colorless bright white with a shine and refraction ability that gives light everywhere. This stone is very valuable in and of itself. Now, if you look at it under a microscope, you can see the the surface actually has a bit of patterning that does not appear to the naked eye, and the patterns are stunning! Almost like ancient etchings on cave walls, except they are made purely by the growth of the diamond crystals themselves, they are triangles of varying sizes called trigons, and their appearance is as if the stone has drawn a mountain range on its own edges. Really an amazing piece.
Source: Angola
Certifications: This stone was traded between borders completely in keeping with the Kimberley Process and is therefore conflict-free and does not finance violence by rebel groups seeking to undermine legitimate governments anywhere on earth.